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Parts & Service


BES-TEX Supply has a full service shop for service and repair of power equipment. We stock the majority of commonly needed parts for the brands of power equipment that we sell. If you are in need of a part that we do not regularly stock, we can typically order the part you need. In order for us to look up a non-stock part, we will need the brand, model and serial number of the piece of equipment the part is for.

REPAIR vs. TUNE-UP: It is important to recognize the difference between a tune-up and repair work. A tune-up is something that should be done annually regardless of how a machine is running. This will help to ensure proper performance throughout the season. If a machine is not performing as well as it should be, or not running at all, it is most likely in need of repair.

SHOP REPAIR: For non-warranty work, the shop repair rate is $126.00 per hour. A pre-paid deposit is required for each piece of equipment. Tune-up rates are listed below. There are some brands of equipment we cannot repair.

Deposits are $65.00 for 2-cycle equipment and $125.00 for 4-cycle equipment. The deposit is applied to the final bill once repair is complete. However, if a repair is not completed, the deposit is applied as a Diagnostic Bench fee.

RETURN POLICY: All parts returned will incur a 25% restocking fee plus actual inbound and outbound freight charges. Electrical components, and any part put into service, are not returnable.

WARRANTY POLICY: If a repair can be covered under warranty, the parts and labor portion will be billed to the respective manufacturer. The customer is responsible for any balance that remains for all non-covered fees as listed in the manufacturer’s warranty statement. This includes, but is not limited to, shipping and handling of nonstock parts, pick-up and delivery service and hazardous waste fees.

A warranty inspection is required for items not purchased at BES-TEX Supply, LLC. The original sales receipt is required for all warranty work. If no receipt is available, all repairs must be paid in full, or warranty payment is verified, before the unit is returned unless previous arrangements have been made. If the unit is not picked up after 30 days of the invoice date, a fee of $1.00 per day will be assessed for storing the unit at our location. If not picked up after 60 days, the unit will become the property of BES-TEX Supply, LLC.


Lawn Mower Tune-Ups
19-25" Push & Self-Propelled…………..…$65 plus parts
30-42” Commercial Walk-Behind……..…. $95 plus parts
30-72” Riding & Zero Turn………….…..$145 plus parts

Other 4 Cycle Tune-Ups
Other 4 Cycle Equipment…………………. $65 plus parts

Hand Held Tune-Ups
Hand Held Equipment………...……………$65 plus parts

Lawn Mower Blade Sharpening
“Off Mower”……………………………..…………. $10 each
“On Mower”………………………………………..$15 each

Lawn Mower Deck Cleaning
19”-25”………………………………….………………. $45
26”-72”………………………………………………….. $65

Chainsaw Blade Sharpening
(Chain removal, sharpening, reinstallation,
adjust and lube.)
“Off Saw”………………………………………….... $10 each
“On Saw”………………………………..………… $15 each

Hedge Trimmer Sharpening
Blade sharpening, adjust blade clearance and
lube………………………………………………………. $45

20-27” Lawn Mower Reel Sharpening…………..…… $75

Service Deposits (per piece of equipment)
2 Cycle Equipment…..………………………………….$65
4 Cycle Equipment…………………………………….. $125

Pick-Up and Delivery
Within the City of San Angelo………………………… $50
Outside of San Angelo, plus $2 per mile round trip… $100