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Professional Landscapers


San Angelo has a large number of professional landscapers. If you’re looking for someone to care for your lawn, landscaping and trees, here is an alphabetical list of pros who do business with us.


Services Provided: (corresponding letter is listed under each landscaper)

L – Lawn Maintenance (Mowing, edging, etc.)

T – Tree trimming and/or Stump Grinding

I – Irrigation

S – Sod installation

P – Planting (flowers, shrubs, trees)

A – Fertilizer and/or Chemical Application

H – Hydromulching

X – Xeriscaping


San Angelo


3C Lawn and Landscape

Contact: Bubba Ellison

Phone: 325-617-2863

Email: 3clandscape@gmail.com

Website: www.3clawnandlandscape.com

I, S, P


3N Lawncare & Landscape

Contact: Raymond Navarro

Phone: 325-262-0505

M, P, S, T


Affordable Fencing and Tree Trimming

Contact: Micah Tyner

Phone: 325-226-1728

Email: afforablefenceandtree@outlook.com

Website: www.affordablefenceandtree.com



Angelo Landscape
Contact: Bart McWilliams

Phone: 325-653-5296                

Email: angelolandscape@hotmail.com

M, S, P


Angelo Tree Experts

Contact: Jay Harmon

Phone: 325-942-7697

Email: angelotreedoctor@yahoo.com

Website:  www.treeservicesanangelo.net

A, T


Aylor Landscape Service, Inc

Contact: Chris Gatica

Phone: 325-942-8678

Email: aylorlandscapeinc@gmail.com

 M, T, S, P, A


Bended Knee Lawn and Landscape

Contact: Lane Rutland

Phone: 325-450-9991

Email: lanerutland@yahoo.com

L, T, I, S, P, A


Birds Eye Lawn Maintenance, Inc

Contact: Brent Pfingsten

Phone: 325-656-1915/325-656-2904

Email: birdseyelandscape@gmail.com

Website: www.birdseyelandscape.com

P, M


C & M Lawn & Landscape

Contact: Chad Strieter

Phone: 325-212-0312/719-248-9361

I, M, P, S


Champion Sprinkler & Landscape Co.

Contact: Luke Vosburg

Phone: 325-245-5794

Email: lukev11@yahoo.com

I, S, P


Chappa Lawn & Landscape

Contact: Pete Chappa

Phone: 325-245-5229

M, T, S, P


Clientele Lawn & Landscape

Contact: Robert Torres

Phone: 325-658-6365

Email: diga.hole@hotmail.com

Website:  www.clientelelawnlandscape.com

M, T, I, S, P, A


Copperhead Lawncare

Contact: Ronnie Blaylock

Phone: 325-812-1434

M, T, P, S


Delaughter's Services

Contact: Tim Delaughter

Phone: 325-895-1494

  M, P, A


Ed’s Lawncare & Landscaping

Contact: Ed Nava

Phone: 325-300-1180

M, T, S, P


E-Z Home and Lawn

Contact: Jim Chausse

Phone: 325-977-2845

L, T


Flynn Tree Service

Contact: Pete Flynn

Phone: 325-374-8896

Email: flynntreeservice01@gmail.com

Website:  www.flynnstreeservice.com



Grounds Keeper II

Contact: Darren L Lloyd

Phone: 325-374-0066                                                 

L, T, S, P, A


HRH Irrigation

Contact: Ray Hawkins

Phone: 325-374-4412

  I, L, T, S, P


Insta-Turf Lawn

Contact: Clarice & Tony Wilde

Phone: 325-650-1487

Email: clarice.wilde@wtxs.net



Jones Southern Scapes

Contact: Doug Jones

Phone: 325-263-9273

Email: duffdaddy@suddenlink.net

L, S


Kuykendall Landscape

Contact: George Kuykendall

Phone: 325-657-2636

Email: pilsner@wcc.net             

L, T


Landscape Express

Contact: Luke Everett

Phone: 325-716-0005/325-456-5898

Email: info@landscapeexpressllc.net

Website: www.landscapeexpressllc.net

P, A


Loyalty Landscaping

Contact: George "Jack" Jackson

Phone: 325-212-5133

Email: Loyaltylandscape@aol.com

Website:  www.loyaltylandscapetx.com

L, T, I, S, P


Oasis Lawn & Landscape

Contact: Daniel Gonzales

Phone: 325-481-0926

Email: oasisoffice2906@gmail.com                          

L, T, S, P, A


Oasis Pools & Sprinkler

Contact: Rodney Drgac

Phone: 325-262-3943

Email: s_drgac@oasissprinklerwstx.com

Website:  www.oasissprinklerwstx.com

I, S


Oasis Sprinkler

Contact: Robert Gonzalez

Phone: 325-234-9241

Email: oasissprinkler@gmail.com

 I, L, T, S, P, A


Pinnacle Spraying & Landscaping

Contact: Scott Antilley

Phone: 325-656-1478

Email: pinnaclespraying@gmail.com

Website:  www.pinnaclespraying.com



Platinum Landscape Design, LLC

Contact: Tristan Wilson

Phone: 325-763-9395

Email: tristanwilson24@gmail.com

I, L, T, S, P, A


Precision Lawn Service

Contact: Corby Maskill

Phone: 325-650-8190

L, T, S, P                                     


Premier Property Services

Contact: Derrick Drury

Phone: 325-939-9905

Email: derrick@ppssanangelo.com

L, S, P, T, X, A


Premium Terrace Landscaping

Contact: Jeremy Jones

Phone: 325-656-4649

L, T, S, P, A


Pristine Lawns

Contact: Jeremy Carter

Phone: 325-450-7934                

 L, A


PSLL Lawn & Landscape

Contact: Brent Santellano

Phone: 325-212-3310

Email: blsantellano@gmail.com

L, T, I, S, P, A, H


SACS Landscape

Contact: Blake Harvey

Phone: 325-234-3450

Email: sacslandscapeservices@gmail.com

L, T, S, P


Scherz Landscape Co.

Contact: Ashley Wankowski

Phone: 325-944-0511

Email: ashley@scherzlandscape.com

Website:  www.www.scherzlandscape.com

L, I, S, P, A


Scott Irriscape

Contact: Randy Scott

Phone: 325-245-6013

Email: scott.irriscape@suddenlink.net

L, T, I, S, P, A


Sprinkler Express

Contact: Luke Everett

Phone: 325-716-0005/325-456-5898

Email: info@sprinklerexpress.net

Website: www.sprinklerexpress.com



Steele Landscape

Contact: Robert Steele

Phone: 325-656-1369

Email: steelelandscapingsa@gmail.com
L, T, I, S, P, A, X, H


Syler Lawn Care

Contact: Brian Syler

Phone: 325-374-8243

Email: sylerlawncare@gmail.com

  L, S, P, T, A


T.B.W. Hydromulching

Contact: Ike Eisenbach

Phone: 325-245-6285

Email: tbwhydromulching@yahoo.com

Website: tbwhydromulching.com

H, S


Tomahawk Landscaping, LLC

Contact: Landry Fulton

Phone: 325-763-8586

Email: landry.tomahawk@gmail.com

Website: tomahawklandscape.com

L, S, P, A, T, X


Torres Lawn and Trimming Service

Contact: Tony Torres

Phone: 325-206-2003

Email: torrespa@icloud.com

T, S, I, P, A, X


Tree Express

Contact: Luke Everett

Phone: 325-716-0005/325-456-5898

Email: info@treeexpress.net

Website: www.treetrimmingsanangelo.com

T, A


Turf Tech

Contact: Loren Edwards

Phone: 325-650-7049

Email: ledwards68@outlook.com

A, S, T


Victory Lawn Care

Contact: Nathan Anders

Phone: 325-650-3512

Email: victorylawncaresa@gmail.com

M, I, P


Wegner Lawn & Landscape

Contact: Billy Wegner

Phone: 325-374-6236

Email: wegnerlawn@outlook.com

Website: www.wegnerlawn.com

L, T, H, S, P, A, X


Wright’s Tree Service

Contact: Curtis Wright

Phone: 432-967-5187

T, A


WTX Landscape Design, LLC

Contact: Chris Knappe

Phone: 325-212-0644

Email: WTXLANDSCAPE@outlook.com

L, I, S, P, A, X


Xtreme Lawn & Landscaping

Contact: Shane Bullock

Phone: 325-227-4377

Email: juanice@xtremelawnandlandscaping.com

Website: www.xtremelawnandlandscaping.com

L, I, A, P, S, T



Outside San Angelo


Advanced Tree Clinic (Midland)

Contact: John Hayes

Phone: 432-686-7107

Email: info@advancedtreeclinic.com

Website: www.advancedtreeclinic.com

T, P, I, A


J & B Spraying (Ozona)

Contact: Blas Vargas

Phone: 325-226-1297

Email: jbspraying@gmail.com



Mad Ax Lawn & Tree (Midland)

Contact: Shane Johnston

Phone: 432-296-4093

Email: sj.johnstonenergy@gmail.com

Website: www.madaxlawnandtreemidland.com

L, T, A


If you are a Professional Landscaper and would like to have your contact information listed on this page, please email us at brandon@BES-TEX.com or call us at 325.653.1300.