UOM: 4 oz
Barricade® 4FL herbicide controls susceptible weeds by preventing growth and development of newly germinated weeds. Barricade 4FL is labeled to control more than 30 weeds, and is guaranteed to provide long-lasting, preemergent weed control with one application. All applications must be made before the targeted weeds germinate; Barricade 4FL will not control weeds after they have already emerged.
For selective preemergence control of grass and
broadleaf weeds in:
• established turfgrasses (excluding golf course
putting greens), lawns, and sod nurseries
• container, field-grown, and landscape ornamentals
• established perennial and wildflower plantings
• Christmas tree farms
Active Ingredients: 40.7%....Prodiamine
Classification: Group 3 Herbicide
EPA No.: 100-1139