UOM: Quart
Active Ingredients: Picloram....5.4%; 2,4-D acid....20.9%
Tordon RTU Herbicide is a specialty herbicide with the Active Ingredient: picloram and 2,4-D ichlorophenox yacetic acid. Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide effectively kills cut stumps when you are cleaning out fence lines and non-cropland areas. RTU stands for Ready-To-Use, and that's just what it is. Tordon RTU Herbicide requires no mixing or measuring and you can use it nearly year-round. Just pour Tordon RTU Herbicide into the convenient squirt bottle applicator, and go to work.
Tordon RTU translocates into the tree's root system to stop resprouts. It has a no-freeze formulation, which keeps the product flowing freely, and the blue dye in Tordon RTU lets you easily keep track of treated stumps
EPA Reg. No: 62719-31
Manufactured by: Corteva