UOM: Quart
Active Ingredients: 43%....Trifluralin
A preemergence herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in ornamental trees, ornamental woody shrubs, ornamental groundcovers, roses, established flowers and vegetable gardens.
- Controls weeds by killing their seeds as they germinate. It does not control established weeds.
- It provides long-lasting control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds:
Grasses controlled:
Annual bluegrass, johnsongrass (from seed), barnyardgrass (watergrass), junglerice, brachiaria, panicum (fall), bromegrass; panicum texas; cheat, sandbur, crabgrasses, sprangletop, foxtail, stinkgrass, woolly cupgrass
Brodleaf weeds controlled:
Carpetweed, lambsquarter, chickweed, pigweed, florida pusley, puncturevine (Western US only), goosefoot, purslane, knotweed, russian thistle, kochia, stinging nettle
Use Sites: Nursery, Landscape, Turf, Trees, Golf Courses
Effective Against: Annual Bluegrass (Poa Annua), Henbit, Knotweed, Chickweed, Spurge, Foxtail, Goosegrass
EPA No.: 54705-6
Compare To: Surflan or Barricade