Best Management Practices:
Chiggers are harvest mite larvae and belong to the Trombiculidae family. Chiggers lay their eggs in the soil. The larval stage is parasitic on many animals, including humans. The larval chigger can travel quickly and attach to feet or legs. Chiggers become most active in June but continue to be a problem throughout the summer.
An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technique to control chiggers is to keep the yard area trimmed. Keep the area dry, open and well drained, as they prefer damp shaded areas. A good weed control program with herbicides and regular mowing and an attempt to eliminate excess shade will help reduce the number of chiggers.
Wear protective clothing when in and treating areas of possible chigger infestation. Use a quality mosquito repellent such as Spartan Go. After entry into the home after you have been in areas suspected of having chigger, a cool and soapy shower should be taken and all clothing should be washed immediately after removal.
Sprays should be applied to grass, ground litter and soil, and shrubbery when chiggers start to become a problem in June and July. Excellent products like ExciteR, Demon Max, or Cyper TC. Other quality residual products that quickly gain control are Demand CS, Suspend and Talstar P. These products may be applied using one of the Chapin Pro Sprayer XP for larger areas needing control.
As with any pest control product be sure to follow product label directions when using any repellent or insecticide. Always wear proper clothing and apply with the proper equipment.
Best Management Practices courtesy of:
Bes-Tex Supply, LLC P.O. Box 664 San Angelo, Texas 76902 Ph. 325-653-1300