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Mustard Weeds

Best Management Practices:

Mustard Weeds

There are several Mustard weeds and examples include: Shepherd’s-purse, Hairy Bittercress, Swinecress, Tansymustard, Pepperweed, and Rockcress. They usually have a strong pungent odor when crushed. Since these are cool season annual plants, they only come back from seed each year, usually germinating in the fall season and possibly into the winter.  Pre-emergent herbicides work well to kill these germinating seeds. Timing of application is critical so as to have a herbicide barrier in place at germination. Normally, an application of a pre-emergent in early/mid September will work well. 

There are several pre-emergent herbicides that can be used to assist in the control of most of the mustards in turfgrass sites including Bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass, Zoysiagrass, and Buffalograss. Examples include: Pendulum 2G or Anderson 11-3-11 (Pendimethalin) and Balan 2.5 G.

Herbicides can be effective if used when the mustard weeds are very young/immature and actively growing. In other words, do not wait until late winter when these annual broadleaf weeds are flowering and mature. Examples of effective post-emergent herbicides include: Weed Free Zone, and Trimec Southern. It may require multiple applications to obtain excellent control. CAUTION: Make sure you read the labels carefully for the tolerance level of your specific turfgrass for all herbicides and for the specific mustard weed you are trying to control.  

                                                                           Best Management Practices courtesy of:

Bes-Tex Supply, LLC P.O. Box 664 San Angelo, Texas 76902 Ph. 325-653-1300